Corporate Social Responsibility | ELED
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We do our best to help the organizations that help those in need.


As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, ELED has implemented the "Pro Bono Sites" program, which refers to free-of-charge offering of internet services, with the aim of promoting and supporting those who are unable to utilize said services. ELED also aims its acknowledgement as a socially 'active' medium, with a social conscience and a human existence.

Since the beginning of 2009, and having demonstrating intense social activity, we have been accepted to the Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility ( We consider it to be consistent with the principles of corporate social responsibility, a moral obligation and an integral part of our philosophy.

To date, the contributors to the "Pro Bono Sites" program have dedicated themselves to providing site construction and technical support to several agencies.


Amimoni & Friends of Amimoni E-Shop

Website construction & Web Design - Online shop

As part of our Corporate Responsibility ELED supports the Panhellenic Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of Multiply Disabled Visually Impaired People, Amimoni, by designing and constructing the new e-shop for the Civil Non-profit Company "Friends of Amimoni", as well as the newly redesigned website for Amimoni.

It was founded in 1993 in Athens. It is administered by a seven-member Management Board and its status is that of legal persons under private law.

It is a Non-profit Association and it is recognized and certified by the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity as charitable.

Amimoni & Friends of Amimoni E-Shop

Greece Race

Web Design - Online registration, team registration, payment

Το Race for the Cure® is the largest institution to raise awareness of breast cancer in the world. In Greece it has been organized since 2009 by the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois" with the approval of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Organization. Greece Race for the Cure® is now one of the most popular breast cancer awareness events in Europe, and it is the largest athletic event with a social cause in Greece, gathering over 90,000 entries throughout the event's history.
Greece Race for the Cure® takes place every September in Athens and ELED has been involved as an internet service sponsor since 2010.

Greece Race

Make-A-Wish & Make-A-Wish eshop

Website construction

Το Make-A-Wish (Make-A-Wish Greece) is an non-profit NGO that realizes the wishes of children (3-18 years old) with serious and life-threatening illnesses. It is one of the leading NGOs of its kind in Greece without receiving government funding.

Web Design - Online shop

The new Make A Wish store is now live and sponsored by ELED.

Make-A-Wish & Make-A-Wish eshop

Heart of the Child

Website construction

The Panhellenic Association for the Protection, Information and Assistance to Heart Disease Children titled «Heart of the Child» The Panhellenic Association for the Protection, Information and Assistance to Heart Disease Children titled "The Heart of the Child" is a non-profit association and was officially founded in 1983 by parents of children with heart disease, for the purpose of protecting, informing and helping children suffering from Congenital Heart Diseases and their families.
Heart of the Child

Website Design - Logo Design - Social Media

Dimitris Siahou battle with cancer lasted nearly 20 years. In 1998, when the cancer was first diagnosed, it gave him a week to live but he stood up. In 2006, Dimitris won cancer once again, even after a new round of chemotherapy. In 2015 begins Dimitris' third great battle, which this time he decided to give publicly. So we created to record Dimitris' daily life, his battle, the gaps of the National Health System, but also the battle of the people around the patients.

Dimitris passed on 21/07/17.


Website construction

Η Mahi ("Battle" in Greek) is an urban, non-profit organization for the battle against autoimmune diseases and to inform the world about them.

Chatzikiriakeio Foundation

Our company also participated in the Christmas Bazaar of the Chatzikiriakeio Foundation, offering products from our online store,
Chatzikiriakeio Foundation


Website construction

Stohos-Prolipsi was founded in 2008 with the primary mission of informing, raising awareness and educating the Greek public about the importance of prevention in breast cancer. As an ally of the "Fashion Targets Breast Cancer" Campaign, which is the main resource finding and communication channel for Greek women, it also carries out preventive control actions.



Website construction

Arcturos is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organization established in 1992 to protect wildlife and the natural environment through field research, scientific research, public awareness raising, environmental education and volunteering to protect wildlife, of biodiversity and sustainability in Greece and abroad.

Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities

Website construction

The Rehabilitation Center for People with disabilities is a charitable non-profit association. Founded in 1993 with the aim of providing: Socialization, Training, Special Education and Rehabilitation to young people aged 14 and over, who exhibit mild, marginal and moderate mental retardation. ELED offers free web site construction and technical support.

Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities

Future Leaders

Website construction

The Future Leaders program is a Hay Group initiative implemented by contributing companies with a strong awareness and action on corporate social responsibility issues, as well as by non-profit organizations or associations and charities. The driving force of the program, however, is the ideas of new students.
Future Leaders

Multiple Sclerosis Association

Website construction

In its effort to make an active contribution to the community, the Hellenic Academy of Education has successfully completed the design and development of the Multiple Sclerosis Society's portal. The portal is up in the air and aims to inform Greek citizens more about Multiple Sclerosis, its symptoms, diagnoses, how to treat MS, while providing information on MS, legislation, labor rights etc. The user can also be informed about the news of the Association, become a member and contact the Association to receive valuable information.

Multiple Sclerosis Association

Greek Rescue Team of Arcadia

Website construction

The Greek Rescue Team of Arcadia is a non-governmental research and rescue organization. Founded in 2000 and has been involved in a number of rescue operations (Mainalos fires, Mainalos avalanche, Lousios, etc.). With a total of over 40 trained and certified volunteers in accordance with international standards, it is ready 24 hours a day to provide assistance to anyone in distress. ELED offers free website construction and technical support.
Greek Rescue Team of Arcadia

Hellas India

Website construction

It refers to the historical course and effort of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Holy Metropolis of Hong Kong and the Far East to spread the Gospel to countries in the Far East, from the first Mission in India in 1982 until today. ELED offers free website construction and technical support.


Website construction

It is about inviting students to vote in order to claim recognition and the opportunity to exercise their professional rights in the manner prescribed by presidential decrees, which are issued on the proposal of the Minister of National Education and Religions. ELED offers free website construction and technical support.

Hellas India
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